Used for Pavements and Kerbs created with the MTF and Pavement Manager.
To help prevent the MTF from imploding, there are a few attributes in the BIM Schema that are easier to deal with post-process. Usually these are generic to all pavements, concatenations of other attributes, and some that are just duplicate values.
Post-Processing of attributes is done via a combination of Mapfiles and Attribute Manipulator. Some of the attributes create are:
Additional TfNSW_Asset attributes for;
- TfNSW_AssetLabel
- TfNSW_ProjectAssetID
- TfNSW_StartKm
- TfNSW_EndKm
Duplicate attributes for;
- Uniclass_SLCode -to- TfNSW_Location/TfNSW_UniclassAssetLocationCode
- Uniclass_SLTitle -to- TfNSW_Location/TfNSW_UniclassAssetLocationTitle
- Uniclass_PrCode -to- TfNSW_Asset/TfNSW_UniclassAssetCode
- Uniclass_PrTitle -to- TfNSW_Asset/TfNSW_UniclassAssetTitle
IfcEntityParameters – Additional IFC related attributes.