Creating Road Signs, Posts and Footings.
The full TfNSW Customisation package comes with 2000+ individual road sign objects.
The toolbar provided and accompanying videos show how either standard roads signs can be applied or the creation of project specific signs as required.

This option is the starting point for a new project when adding Road Signs to your project. Several standard template files are copied to the “working directory”.
Some 12da data is read into the project to provide quicker placement of the Road Sign Symbols and thought into the orientation of the finally produced sign.
For more information on this process, please check out the Workflow video below.
This option is the standard 12d Model tool for the modification/placing of 12d Symbols to project data. This can be used on provided data or to vertices draw with 12d for the placing of various signs.
This option is the standard 12d Model tool for the rotation of Symbols about their justification point. This can be used on provided data or to vertices drawn within 12d for the placing of various Road signs.
An example of this option can be seen in the earlier video. (2. Super String Symbol)
This macro option is to be used to create project specific Road signs as 3d trimesh objects.
The values required are to be read from the provided spreadsheet with user input and once saved as a csv file format.
Please watch the Workflow video linked here for more information.
This toolbar option runs a 12d global attributes file and provided you with the required list of vertex attributes for the production of the Road Sign, Post and Footing dimensions when the “Place Road Signs” tool is used.
This option runs a provided global attributes file and provided you with the required list of vertex attributes to produce only the Road Sign when the “Place Road Signs” tool is used.
An example of this option can be seen in the earlier video. (5. Set Signage Attributes – All)
This toolbar option runs a provided global attributes file and provided you with the required list of vertex attributes for the production of only the Post and Footing dimensions when the “Place Road Signs” tool is used.
An example of this option can be seen in the earlier video. (5. Set Signage Attributes – All)
This is where the magic happens!
Given each of your signs, posts and footings can have different dimensions and attributes. This option will search through the +2000 possibilities and build for you the three required DE Objects for export to IFC.
Give it time, you agreed to be patient.
Testing to create the +2000 has taken place. (Screenshot that the bottom of this wiki post)
To create that many signs, posts and different sized footings took approximatly 40mins. Let the computer do its thing.
The video bellow shows you how to create the required XML files for your “Project Specific Road Signs”, these will be added to the standard Road signs to produce the final results.
This option initiates a provided “String attributes label” panel with the ability to label the “Sign_Key” attributes to confirm that are both correct and placed as expected.
The model for the produced leader labels has been set within the file. This can be seen in the clean model panel also provided. This option can be run prior or after the “Place Road Signs” are created.
For a demonstration of this process refer to video an earlier video – Toolbar Button “5. Setting Road Sign Attributes – All” (@ around the 4:15min mark)
I’m assuming you managed to find this website page using this button…
If so, then it’s worked! 🙂